Category: Balancing the Busy

When Life Gets Busy, Pray

When life gets too hard to stand, kneel

When life gets too busy and I feel like I am going to lose it, I hear a quiet voice asking, have you prayed lately? Chances are the answer is no. I do talk to God often and everywhere. A lot when I’m driving or when I’m lying in bed at night. But when I …

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10 Easy Ways to Give Your Home an Instant Face Lift

10 Easy Ways to Give Your Home an Instant Face Lift

Home projects can be overwhelming and we often put them off to deal with more pressing issues. But imagine if you decided to move and now needed to repair that hole that has been behind the door for years, or finally touch up paint all of those spots you missed two years ago. Would it …

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2014 Dirty Dozen List

dirty dozen produce list

Fruits and vegetables are amazing powerhouses of nutrients for our body but when we try to do right by ourselves and buy organic, our hearts stop at the sight of their price tags. Organic produce can be more expensive, so if you are concerned with pesticide residue (and not ingesting it) this list will help …

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Gifts for the Grad: Fun ways to give cash and other gift ideas

Graduation Gift Ideas

The school year is commencing and graduations are near. Students are throwing their mortarboards and will be ready to party. You want to give a gift that says I’m proud of you, way to go, and good luck with your future. They want cash. So here are some creative ways to hand over that cash, …

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Thrift Shop 101: What you are missing out on if you don’t shop at thrift stores

I love shopping at thrift stores. I never know what I will find but I know that there are bargains abound. Thrift stores carry everything from home décor, home appliances, clothing, jewelry, linens, hardware, crafting supplies, toys, and recreation equipment. If you aren’t a veteran thrift store shopper, it can be overwhelming or have a …

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