Tips for 30 Days Back to Faith

Have you had a chance to check out the 30 Days Back to Faith daily devotional? Remember, it’s free to download in the “shop” through April 4 but don’t wait. What better time to lead you back into a relationship with God than now, as we approach Easter?

There are no prerequisites required. This is just a tool for you to find a deeper, renewed relationship with God. If that brings up some feelings, take these 30 days to work through them.

Reminder that tomorrow I will start “Day 1” and my Instagram posts will correspond with the days from there. If you already started, awesome, if you start later than tomorrow, no biggie! I’ll save all the posts in my “highlights” so that you can refer to them if you miss one.

A couple of tips:
1. It’s a big document to print!
2. It is beautiful though and if you print it you will find space to write when it asks you to “journal.” But if you don’t want to print, just be sure you have a notebook to journal in.
3. This journal need not be fancy! Don’t put off starting this because you need a journal with pretty flowers or an inspirational phrase on the front (this is something I would do). YOU DO NOT. Any old notebook will do!
4. Set aside time each day to make sure you complete each entry. Put a reminder on your phone or an appointment on your calendar. It won’t take you long but it’s best if you aren’t rushed.
5. If you skip some days, just pick up where you left off. You’re the boss!
6. Go ALL in. Nobody is going to read what you write. Nobody can read your thoughts. These 30 days are for you and your personal relationship with God. You deserve this!

I am so glad you’re here. I’m so happy to share this with you. I pray it helps you find what you’re looking for. Please share this with anyone who you think may be interested. See you tomorrow on Instagram!

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